Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Alexander Koutny and Lucy Falk

I thoroughly enjoyed having Alexander Koutny and Lucy Falk. It was so interesting to see the design process for the Victoria’s Secret fashion show. Being able to see the actual transformation from the sketches, to being made, to fittings to the designs worn on the runway was very neat. However, at times it was a little hard to follow because we saw all the pictures for one step at a time and they were not necessarily in the same order so I couldn’t always remember what the sketch looked like to be able to see the whole transformation and what changes had been made.

It was very risky of them to do laser cutting, which was something they had never done before, for the fashion show. I can’t imagine putting my first attempt at anything on the runway, let alone for a show as prestigious as this one. They were very brave to attempt something like that.
While the lingerie was very flashy, and not something I would wear, it was beautiful. I can’t imagine putting in the amount of hours they did and then not even sell the piece. I didn’t know that they filmed the show twice and then edited them together. Alexander mentioned how fragile some of the pieces were, I can’t imagine how the garments survived being ripped and thrown off in a hurry two times.

It is very exciting that Alexander and Lucy have been asked to design again for the show. It is interesting how the two are able to work together yet have such different systems and technique.

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