Thursday, January 30, 2014

Thursday Purseday: Eat Cake for Breakfast

Thursday may be all about the "Throwbacks" on Instagram, but here at Stepping Out in Style it's all about the purses!  Some of them may be purses I own while others may be ones I lust after.

Eat Cake for Breakfast
Remember how I told you I interned at kate spade and became obsessed?  Here's more proof: one of the girls I interned with had this bag.  I searched high and low and couldn't find it anywhere except Amazon.  I was just about to give in and buy it off of there when I got an email about a surprise sale on the kate website.  I checked it out and guess what bag they had ON SALE!  YES! THIS ONE!  After a year and a half, this bag was finally mine.  While it may be a little large for some people to use as a purse, I love it.  It has tons of room, plus a great saying on it.  This bag is a great conversation starter with a motto we should all live by! ;)

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