Saturday, April 16, 2011

What did you learn today?

I love rediscovering old clothes from my wardrobe that I haven't thought of in a while.  While I was home over spring break, I found some cute outfits I hadn't worn for quite some time.  I hadn't been home for ten weeks and it was like I was seeing a new closet.  That's when I found a shirt I had bought during high school and fell in love with it all over again.

I got this shirt from Wet Seal  when I was mad at a boy.  It's a Heather Grey, slouchy, off-the-shoulder top.  It says "What did you learn today? Science, History, P.E., Math, English" all of which are crossed out and at the top of the list it says "Boys Suck".  I laughed when I bought it and laughed again when I pulled it out of my closet.  I used to wear a hot pink cami underneath it but decided since I was older, to try something a little different.  This time all I wore under it was my hot pink sports bra and I loved it!  It even got the 'Mom Seal of Approval'!

When the weather so rudely tricked us into thinking the warmth was here to stay after two days of 70+ degree weather earlier this week, I pulled this outfit out--giggling of course--and decided to wear it around campus.

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